Welcome Bernard!
We'd like to introduce ourselves to you and ultimately present a very special piece of tech we created especially with The Match Group in mind. It's not something to compete with your business, but something we feel could immediately add significant revenue across all of your dating platforms by establishing a new standard of measurement.
Obviously you're approached by a lot of people who think they have something of value you might be interested in. As professionals, we don't make a habit of wasting executives time.
Emotions aren't static.
We measure I.Q. We measure personality types. But can you measure a Relationship Type?
You can now with Romational. We provide the most accurate, honest and flexible measurement for our wants, desires and needs, throughout our on-going relationship status. Anyone can ask basic questions about relationships, but they tend to be extremely generic and obvious. Standardization of any type requires a methodology and process that's proven, repeatable, and accurate.
We're the people behind the box.
Dave Patzwald
Frito Lay
American Airlines
David Farmer
McCann Erickson
Ogilvy & Mather
Relationship Type
Our mission is to increase romantic connectivity worldwide. Match Group is the world's leading provider of dating products. Through our portfolio of trusted brands, we provide tailored products to meet the varying preferences of our users.
The Fundamental Opportunity.
Romational applies to the entire relationship cycle, not simply dating. Keep a match VS find a match.
A New Revenue Stream.
Our functionality ultimately delivers the ability for "In-App Purchases" never seen before.
A Stand-Alone Service.
Our app is agnostic to any type of site and becomes its own brand to be marketed.
How do we discover personal preferences?
With variable factors.
We got rational with key factors.
Can an app respond to life? From our interactions and independent research across a powerful group of relationship experts ranging from authors, to academicians, to real people, we say "yes." The ability to adapt means the analysis will always be current and reflect actual human behavior.
Your Profile always reflects who you are and adjusts according to your ever-changing needs.
We see a clear future for cultivating relationships with greater accuracy, honesty, and confidence.
You're in the business of dating. You drive multiple platforms to respond to different needs. What was once a single offering has grown into a global phenomenon with brands fighting to differentiate themselves based on the quality of their matches. The quality of the matches depends upon the quality of the communication.
Discover the value of a new archetype.
Imagine if people had a simple way to share expectations without judgment.
A new language that's simple to understand and find actual utility.
Living Data
Adding Control where it matters most.
Once you collect the data, it lives and remains in your control. That's critical because it becomes a reference point and adjusts as your needs change. How you manage that data is totally in your control.
Flexibility Factors filter your viewpoints and opinions into plain language
Clean user interface makes adjusting your emotional feedback simple and clear
Non-judgmental definitions and insights that validate your expectations
It's not just questions, it's how strongly you feel about your answers
We feel you can set into motion a paradigm shift.
Because you own so many dating brands, you can quickly promote this new approach across all platforms to create an instant synergy for every corner of your diverse portfolio, or even your competitors!
We look forward to sharing the financial impact of this app!
It's our contention that the first to clearly articulate the value of a
relationship type will make the current matching approach obsolete.
One simple action that changes everything.
With a basic gesture, get an instant compatibility assessment based on your respective RomTypes.
And from there, you can have an entertaining, open, and reliable conversation about what you're truly looking for.
We truly appreciate your time and ask for an online meeting so we can give you a demo, talk revenue opportunity for The Match Group and our business goals.
Please reach out to Dave Patwald, the inventor and creator, at
©2024 Romational | All Rights Reserved | This presentation is confidential and may not be distributed without the written consent of Romational